Rebecca A. Miller

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I am super pumped because tomorrow is day 80 and you know what that means!?  Official pictures will be coming!  I haven't taken them in a while, but I did snap these few ones so I know change is happening! Those jeans were super tight on me and now they are loose so I am happy about that!!!

These deplete days are tough in the fact that I am STUFFED!! I thought for sure I would be starving, but I am not.  So NOT the case and you know what?  I LOVE THAT!!  Everyone thinks that in order to lose weight you must STARVE yourself or do some crazy dieting!  WHY?

Why can't you just eat healthy-balanced meals?  Why does everything have to be restricted to the point of failure?  That is not how our programs work.  We encourage you to EAT! LOL  This particular program has been the best for me, in the fact that I feel EVEN more balanced because it tells me what food groups to eat with other food groups.  Before I would just eat the daily recommended servings, but THIS is dialing it in even more!  I am telling you...I got college nutrition at my fingertips!!  (And you can have it too...just ask me how!)

I couldn't be more proud of myself than I am right now!  For one, my nutrition has been great these 80 days and when I felt like I lost my way, this program came at the perfect time!  It helped me get structured again in the fact that my nutrition was slipping on the weekends and I gained about 15 pounds back.  UGH!   Not easy to admit, sad but true! 

I love this program so much that I will be starting again on 4/23/18 with our BIG group of challengers!! 

WOW!!  Hard to believe, but we got almost 900 of us now...and the ENERGY is amazing!  I LOVE IT IN THERE!  Such a positive atmosphere!  If you are looking for a fit family, I would LOVE to share ours with you! 

If you want more details of what you get when you join us, than email me at!  I would love to share more with you!!