Rebecca A. Miller

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"How much more can I take??" My thought during that day’s struggle...

The day I was at Columbus with Shawn vs. today... Shawn was 6 months old and it was a challenge... So hot, tired, and he was heavy to carry.😩

The crazy part... I still carry Shawn and he is over 40 lbs now...but guess what?? It's easier!! 💯💯

These are the non-scale victories that matter most... Slipped on these jeans with ease this morning... They got snug after vacation, but I am getting there again.

No more worries on struggling while on vacation... Working on me even when I didn't want to, has paid off.

I remember how bad I was breathing, the thought of will this ever end....How big is this zoo? Are we there yet?? All crossed my mind...😱😱

You know what... That isn't living folks... It was vacation and I was was ready to call it quits... 😩😖. I remember going home thinking, "Man Rebecca... You did this to yourself... Why?!? How much more are you going to take before you man up and get with it?!? " "Why are you sooo addicted to the junk food?"

Emotional eating sucks... Feeding my emotions because I wasn't happy within and no one could have said or done anything... It was me... I wasn't happy... I was in a slump and I felt stuck!!

So when I see this picture it brings back all these memories... The memories of the hurt... The feeling of being hopeless... And thoughts of YOU CAN'T played over and over...

You know what... I played that victim card long enough... It was time... It was time to get with it... Time to feel better... Time to get sore from sweating my booty off... And today... I am stronger for it...

No this isn't easy... Nothing that lasts comes easy... But listen up... It is possible... It is doable if YOU WANT IT BADLY!!

So question is... "How much more can you take before you step up?

My inbox is always open... Let's chat about what you are struggling with so we can change together!! 💕💯