Rebecca A. Miller

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So let me paint a picture for you...One day little man was getting faster and faster at learning to walk. What a surprise and wow, boy he sure is growing up. I am in such awe of him. πŸ˜πŸ˜He lights up my day with his smile, his personality, and his love. I have never met a sweeter kid than my little man Shawn.

So he is walking and I was sitting at 215 lbs. at the time and you know was tough keeping up!! WHAT??!! πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±

I is this possible...he isn't really moving THAT fast and is just learning!!!!??? How in the world am I supposed to keep up when he gets better at this? πŸ˜³πŸ˜³

That excitement turned to fear for me as I saw him running away in a crowded mall and I am losing sight of him because I am too tired to keep up.

Over dramatic?

Maybe...but that is how I saw it in my head.

I was really struggling just bending over and holding him because he was just getting bigger. He wasn't going to stay small forever, you know??

I had really thought about my future with him and I didn't like what I saw. I truly desired to be out there playing with him - not just sitting and watching him.

I wanted to run and chase him. I wanted to climb in tree houses with him. I wanted to be the active parent and I wanted to be healthy for him without feeling like I was gasping for air.

I wanted him to have FUN with me...not me watch HIM have fun...but doing it together is what it was all about to me.

So why didn't I just lose the weight?

My struggle was fear of failure and fear of not knowing where to even begin. I felt that I was to far gone for me to save because my weight was over the 200 lb. mark.

I was being "comfortable" in my uncomfortable situation and believe me that isn't healthy either! I tried to walk and do better, but that got me down to 195...not bad, but it kept fluctuating and I wasn't consistent at all. :(

So when I finally decided to go all in and get healthy for not only my Shawn, but for was a major turning point in my life. πŸ’―πŸ’―

I became a Coach to hold myself accountable and I had a program that helped me with portion control, which I so desperately needed, because I ate everything bad in sight and I was eating tons of it! I am a major junk food lover.

But this program taught me how to do 30 minutes of exercise each day, which helped me feel much more confident!!

So now, I love sharing the success I had with this program and other programs I got, because I believe it can help so many mom's out there just wanting to be the active parent. We are meant to live happy healthy-active lives as God intended it to be.

My result in 9 months?? I dropped 40 lbs. and 26.5 inches and you better believe I am the active parent now! Today it is over 55 lbs and 26.5+ inches and I keep just gaining muscles! Boom chicka boom!! πŸ’œ

Shawn tells me he needs to rest and at 37 years old, I feel pretty darn amazing these days, because I CAN KEEP UP NOW!! The result of taking care of yourself when you don't want TO (because Yessssssss I was full of excuses), can be live changing. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Let me show you the ropes and what I did to lose the weight. Heck you can even be a Coach like me to help yourself stay accountable... But I really want someone who is looking to be long-term with their goals because this chick is NOT about quick fixes!

This business is rewarding in soooo many ways my friend... I mean for realz... We GET TO change lives!!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

So are you ready to become the active parent in your house!? 

Let's chat, because coaching and these programs made me say YES to a better life and for that... I became a better person!!

Who wouldn't want that??