I have some exciting news for you coming up in November!! I am super thrilled to offer a sale in honor of the NO EXCUSES NOVEMBER VIP Group that I have created for you! 

If you have ever struggled with nutrition, finding your rhythm, your willpower to workout, and even gaining the dreaded 15+ lbs during the Holiday Season than this group is YOUR solution to AVOID that holiday bulge and start a health and fitness journey NOW! 

WHY would you wait until January 1st to get with it? 

Why can't you be doing something NOW to deter that weight gain and go into the new year feeling empowered? 

I thought this sale would be PERFECT for November because so many use Thanksgiving and Christmas as an EXCUSE to NOT start and just keep putting it off and off! 

Well how does that work out each and every year? 

How do you feel? 

Do you want that SAME feeling this year? 

You know the one I am talking about...guilt...regret...and a little bit of depression, especially if you are like me, because I just felt like I could never start until after the holidays! 

Well NOT this year my peeps! I am REFUSING the holiday bulge and I want YOU to join me in this! I want you to go into the new year feeling amazing and already on top of your game! That is more exciting to know that you will have taken the path in the right direction and getting a jump on your goals...it will be sooo empowering for you! 

Let me show you the ropes and teach you how I lost 55 lbs doing it the healthy way of course, because I don't believe in pills, wraps, patches, or pink drinks...#sorrynotsosorry...

I believe in healthy nutrition...exercise...a positive thinking mindset, and support and LOVE from a team that will always have your back! That my friend...is much more sustainable than any fad diet out there...it is much more doable to live a lifestyle than to put restrictions on yourself so you can't enjoy life! Who wants that anyways? NOT ME! 

So I am inviting you to my next group starting on 11/12/18 where you will get FREE COACHING, FREE LIFETIME SUPPORT, and all you have to do is purchase your materials from me! 

Let's chat your options my peep! Better yet, get more information on my TOP recommended program of ALL time! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!!

Rebecca MillerComment

Wanna get real for a sec??

Last year I ate the whole bucket on Trick or Treat night...

Last year I gorged myself as I always do on Halloween....

Last year I felt awful for doing it and I ALWAYS know how I feel afterwards, but I continued with it. :(

Last year I wasn't at a good place mentally and I was still emotional eating.

Last year I gained 10 lbs from that craziness in ONE DAY!

The junk food addiction is real folks and honestly it controlled me at one point...

BUT....THIS YEAR I said NO MORE...enough is enough and it was COMPLETELY different this year.

THIS YEAR I had 3 pieces of candy, sooo not the repeat of last year!!

This year I feel more in control of my nutrition more than ever. This nutrition program is teaching me sooo much...I am learning...I have peeps in my corner cheering me on and I am proud to say that I LOST 2 lbs this morning. THAT IS HUGE FOR ME!!

This year I had feelings of empowerment...control...and ENJOYED Halloween for what it was for...Shawn's experience...him dressing up...him having fun, and us ENJOYING family time together!! That was the POINT of it...not stuffing my face with the junk!

Never would I have thought I could control myself around THIS MUCH silliness. LOL It is no longer WORTH it to me to feel guilty, ashamed, or have feelings of lack...truly not worth it.

I feel so great this morning and I know that I CAN DO THIS! I am REFUSING to gain 15+ lbs this holiday season! SIMPLY REFUSING IT!

I don't want YOU to gain it either...I want you to be in control with me! Let's go in and work together at this!!

My next group starts on 11/12/18 and let's head off the holiday bulge together!


Let's do this!!!

Message me for all the details!!! OR you can email me at rebecca@rebeccaamiller.com

Rebecca MillerComment

Can I be TRULY honest about what I see on the left?

The first thing I remember is getting this dress and thinking WOW it actually fits over my belly. I was happy for that, but I was still sad on how I actually looked. I tried to get the jacket to cover up, but it just wasn't cutting it - as you can see...as everyone could see. YIKES!! The struggle is real my friend!! Trying on clothes was an event I would NEVER attend!! LOL 

I remember this was when I was still wearing the maternity clothes and you can see...Shawn was already born and not a newborn, but that didn't stop me from growing and growing.😔😔

Sometimes we have to do things we don't want too...for me it was getting fit and healthy for myself, my sister's wedding, and my family.

Of course, I hated the thought of exercise and eating greens....I mean come on!! I was in the business of eating all the junk!! 🍕🍟🍔🍧🍨🍦🍫🍬🍭🎂🍪 Forget the healthy stuff...I was eating the "good stuff". That was the BS I was telling myself. 

So yeah it wasn't pretty! I got sad and very emotional about even starting a workout program....BUT I was more PISSED than anything, because I let myself become THAT person.

This picture on the left is TOUGH to look at, because some days I didn't feel that big or thought I was OK, but I wasn't. I wasn't mentally and definitely wasn't physically. You can't cover up being unhealthy....no matter the makeup or the clothes, overall health goes far deeper my friend. 😒

So let me just say this, no matter what your struggle is, I am here for you...because I was once that girl on the left, but the girl on the right is far more happy and healthy.

She can finally do things she couldn't do before, such as getting down and playing with her son, running without becoming winded, and most importantly, she saved herself from old bad habits. 

If you need help with your health and fitness goals, just know I am only a message away!! Better yet...just know YOU ARE INVITED to my next group on November 12th! 

Sometimes we make it tough on ourselves to begin, but when you make the decision to TRY....your whole world changes.

Are you ready for a change to a healthier new YOU??

Message me to get started today!!

Rebecca MillerComment