I heard this today and I thought wow...that strikes ANTOHER chord. I found these two older pictures of me...before my journey and me reaching my FIRST goal - To fit in my sister's dress it was a feat!!

Losing the weight just to get this dress zipped up was difficult...but I had to do it on purpose.

I had to work out on purpose.

I had to show up with my group on purpose.

I had to eat veggies, which I hated, because I loved the junk food so much. So yes...the greens entered my mouth on purpose.

I had to do workouts that made my body sore on purpose.

I had to change my old ways on purpose.

Just like when you say you don't have time or don't WANT to make time for ARE doing that on purpose. Whether you believe it or not, you are. You can say I AM NOT WORKING OUT...and you are doing that with purpose. I AM GOING TO EAT THIS PIZZA and again you are doing that with purpose.

You have choices every day my friend...but what you do on purpose is either keeping you from moving forward or it is moving you forward.

Which one are you doing?

1. The healthy one where it takes some work, but when you reach the goals you feel accomplished and pretty darn amazed with yourself....


2. The one where you struggle and it is hard because the clothes don't fit, you feel miserable, and you just want the crazy cycles of junk food to stop so you can get healthy and fit and be there for your kid?

What is important to you?? I ask very seriously....because I NEEDED to hear this when I struggled so it isn't out of bragging I share my is help you understand....that you my friend...ARE NOT ALONE!

My life now since I got with it is WAY different than before!!

I work out now with purpose, I eat healthy on purpose and believe takes just the same amount of energy to do both.

We tell ourselves ALOT of excuses of why we can't do something, so next time the excuses get strong...tell yourself...on purpose...of every reason why you should start caring for yourself.

Before weight in this picture was photo was about 175...

Now I am at 2.5+ years and still building muscle and burning fat my peeps and yes...I am doing that on purpose too!! ;)

FIND the purpose that drives you to be a better person!!! I am still working every day on takes time but I would rather be doing something good than damaging to my health...would you agree??

If you ever want to start your own journey with me...I am here my friend. It won't be easy and it takes time and patience, but we can overcome the excuses together.

Always here to chat.

Rebecca MillerComment

I was listening to my personal development book by Jen S.... And she said something that struck a cord...

She said we let others dictate what we can and can't do and for that... We are held in the same spot!!!..... Ummm how true is that?

We always want others to like us, approve what we are doing, or straight up desperately want their blessing on what we do or even have!!

Sometimes when it comes to changing your life... If you are not scared than your doing something wrong. Being successful means getting very uncomfortable and doing things you have never done before!! That includes not caring what those people say about you and yes... Even think about you!!!

That is precisely how I felt about coaching... Scared I would fail... Scared what others would think about me, and my belief within was super low because I focused on THAT and not what I could offer!

It took alot of growing... Reading... And digging deep to get where I am today and NO... I am still not where I should be.

I still have fear, doubts, and get super stressed at times... I am human. Never said it was about being perfect... It is about showing up and making progress..

This week, emotions are all over the place... I think the red devil is coming... Ugh... So I know I need to lean more on my groups and PD... Because I start to question myself and begin to think oh no... What do others think of me....Am I supposed to be doing this? Will they like this post!?!!

When in reality... It is none of my business!!!

I can't control others thoughts, or even their actions... BUT... I can control and protect myself from the negative thoughts that I created... Because they are not true!! Our minds wonder and with over 50,000 thoughts per day... We can practice positive ones!!

Because in the end...your thought means the most!!

Rebecca MillerComment
Recipe from the Beachbody Blog - Their Sit Is Amazing!!!

Recipe from the Beachbody Blog - Their Sit Is Amazing!!!

Bell Pepper Nachos - without all the carbs from the chips!

This Bell Pepper Nachos recipe has less than 300 calories per serving. Instead of using chips to scoop up tasty toppings, these use thick slices of bell pepper! We love Mexican food so I had to share! Would you try it???

Nonstick cooking spray
¼ medium onion chopped
8 oz raw 93% lean ground turkey
1 tsp Taco Seasoning Blend (see separate recipe for Taco Seasoning Blend)
¼ cup water
1 medium yellow bell pepper cut into 1-inch wide slices
1 medium orange bell pepper cut into 1-inch wide slices
¼ cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 medium jalapeño seeds and veins removed, sliced (optional)
½ cup pico de gallo (or fresh tomato salsa)


Preheat oven to 375° F.

Heat medium saucepan, lightly coated with spray, over medium-high heat.

Add onion; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until onion is translucent.

Add turkey; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until turkey is no longer pink.

Add Taco Seasoning and water. Mix well; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 minutes, or until water evaporates.

Arrange peppers in an oven-proof baking dish; top with turkey mixture and cheese.

Bake for 5 to 8 minutes, or until cheese melts.

Divide pepper mixture evenly between two serving plates.

Top with jalapeños (if desired) and pico de gallo; serve immediately.

Rebecca MillerComment